Dino squad transformations
Dino squad transformations

dino squad transformations
  1. #Dino squad transformations pdf#
  2. #Dino squad transformations software#
dino squad transformations

"Everything is done, and Kyle is perfectly safe." Said Fiona. When they got there though they saw Fiona freeing a Giant fish into the ocean before grabbing her chiller and spiller back up. They all nodded and went to get their chillers and spillers before going in search of the Plesiosaur and Primordial Ooze spill. "Great, just great, when he comes in tomorrow I'll check for any signs of transformations." Said Ms. "And ever since he told us he was going we haven't seen Fiona, she might have gone to protect him which puts her in danger of being exposed." Said Caruso. "Oh no, I told him to bring me his already processed photos not to go and take new ones." Said Ms Moynihan. Moynihan, Kyle's gone back out into the ocean to search for the Plesiosaur, he's in danger of being infected by primordial ooze, as well as being attacked." Said Max. Meanwhile back at the Light House everyone except Fiona was talking. He took a photo of it before swimming to the surface, gathering his stuff and running home to process the Photos. He quickly swam back down to get it and froze when he saw the underwater brawl that was going on. Kyle soon got back to dry land and removed his Diving Suit before realizing he'd dropped the camera. He was too scared to look back but the Plesiosaur was preoccupied with a Orange Spinosaurus that had appeared to save Kyle. (Dino squad) fiona flagstaff she poison the change dinosaurs calling spinosaurus her back hand claw and foot claw to like meating big one of DNA she have. He snapped a photo before trying to quickly swim away not paying attention to where he swam and he went right through Primordial Ooze. 'What was that?' Thought Kyle as he turned around again before coming face to face with a large mutant Plesiosaur. He had been swimming for a few hours with no sign of anything when he felt a strong wave of water behind him. "I'll be fine Fiona, I appreciate your concern, but it's probably just some driftwood or a common fish, I'll be fine." Said Kyle as he went to start his first class.Īfter school was done Kyle went to the ocean with his scuba diving gear and dove down with his Water Proof Camera he started searching for the fish unaware of a hole in his suit. Fiona never admitted it but she sort of had a crush on Kyle. "Kyle, are you sure you want to be going out there, what if something happens to you." She said worriedly. "Yes, and now Kyle'e in serious danger." Said Buzz. "You guys know what this means, Viktor Veloci has struck again." Said Caruso. "I know, I think I was a little air lagged so I'm going to go explore and see if I can find it again since I can't find the photo." Said Kyle before he went to his first class.

dino squad transformations

As soon as he said that all of them went silent and looked at each other. "You'll think I sound crazy, but it looked like a baby Plesiosaur." Said Kyle. "Rare fish species, what kind of fish?" Asked Fiona. Moynihan so I gotta go search the ocean for a rare fish species I saw the other day." Said Kyle. "Eh, I've been better, gotta project for Ms. "Hey Kyle, how've you been doing?" Asked Max as he fist bumped Kyle. It was just another normal day and Kyle was going to school when he saw his friends so he walked over saying hi to Max, Fiona, Caruso, Buzz, and Rodger. Any recommendations? Thanks.(Please watch the video first before reading the story.) Price-wise, I'd obviously prefer it to be cheaper, and anything over around $500 would probably not be worth it for me currently. I also saw the ReMarkable 2, Quaderno A5 gen 2, and Boox Note Air as options, but it's a bit overwhelming trying to decide anything.

#Dino squad transformations software#

Because of that, I was looking at the SuperNote A5/6 X, which seems good in most respects, but it seems like they're a bit software limited at the moment, such as no pinch to zoom, not great writing to text, highlights just highlight over text instead of the text itself making it harder to edit once transferred onto the computer, etc. It would also be nicer if I didn't have to replace the tips, but that's not really a deal breaker for me. In terms of writing feel, I'm the type of person that really prefers the skinnier pens/pencil tips, like 0.2-0.5mm, preferably on the smaller side.

#Dino squad transformations pdf#

I also might end up doing PDF editing in future classes, so good functionality in that regard would be nice. I would be doing general notes in English as well as for math, physics, and maybe a bit of sketching, those kinds of things. I'm considering getting a tablet-like device for taking notes in class so I don't have to write it all on paper. I wasn't even aware e-ink devices were still a big thing until recently, so sorry if I don't know a whole lot about them.

Dino squad transformations